Make a Difference in the World of Women's Cancers
Now is the perfect time to join WCRF in the ongoing fight to better understand and eradicate women’s cancers. Becoming a donor today means you’re taking a stand for the precious lives of women in the world.
When you contribute towards cancer research organizations, here are some tips to ensure that your money gets to where you want it to go.
Donate directly to the organization that actually does the research.
Stipulate in your donation that your funds must go to the research you want to support.
Stipulate the percentage of overhead you are willing to pay.
​Track the peer publications rate of the research group you donate to. Publications are the metric for tracking a research group’s productivity.
Stipulate whether you want funds to go to research, or if it is acceptable to go toward other expenses, such as building construction. Cancer centers and hospitals love to include new buildings as part of their “research projects.” This is generally a misuse of research funds in our opinion.
Stipulate that if the funds are not used as you directed, they are to be returned to you.

Astha, your passion for your work, your determination to achieve your goals and your dedication to your career was exceptional. We will miss you! - Deepak and Mina Doshi

In Loving Memory of Lynn Thomas

In loving memory of Susan Berg
Major Donors & Research Sponsors
Abbott Laboratories
AIVITA Biomedical
Angels on the Frontline
Atairgin Technologies, Inc.
Bristol-Myers Squibb
Burton & Lessard Families
Carl Wynn Foundation
Centocor Ortho Biotech
Cell Therapeutics
Dr. & Mrs. Norman Crawford
Earth Friendly Products
Ebell Club of Canyon Hills
Eli Lilly
Genentech, Inc.
Gynecologic Oncology Associates
Helsinn Oncology
Heron Therapeutics
Hoag Hospital Cancer Center
Jameson Foundation
John Paul Micha, MD
John & Hilda Arnold Foundation
Joseph Schirripa (UBS Financial Services)
Len & Joan Rullo
Maureen P. McCarthy
Merck, Inc.
Nektar Therapeutics
Orange County Community Fdtn
Ortho Biotech
Oso Home Care
S.L. Gimbel Foundation
Smith Kline Beecham
St. Joseph Hospital Cancer Center
Sunesis Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Susan Berg
The Big Kahuna Bike Ride
The Bama Works Fund of Dave Matthews Band
The Herb Alpert Foundation
The Revlon Foundation
Vitalogy Foundation – Pearl Jam
Walter and Maureen Snell Endowed Fund