Over the past 50 years, there have been tremendous advances in women’s health, particularly in treating cardiovascular disease and cancer. When considering cardiovascular health, several national studies have elucidated our understanding of women's cardiovascular and cardiometabolic health. Moreover, the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, The Heart Truth campaign and the American Heart Association have raised awareness emphasizing the importance of heart disease in women.
Over the past 50 years, there have been tremendous advances in women’s health, particularly in treating cardiovascular disease and cancer.
Nevertheless, we continue to identify lower rates of guideline-based cardiovascular disease care in women, including lower rates of statin use and coronary reperfusion (restoring the flow of blood to the heart after a heart attack or stroke). We also have a better understanding of pregnancy complications and how to prevent them, but we still have limited knowledge regarding select pregnancy conditions (e.g., pre-eclampsia, pregnancy-induced hypertension, gestational diabetes, and preterm birth) and how to avert the higher risk for cardiovascular disease associated with these diseases.
There has been great progress with cervical cancer and breast cancer screening.
In terms of cancer, there has been great progress with cervical cancer and breast cancer screening; currently, there is a 90% 5-year survival rate for breast cancer. In cervical cancer, the advent of the PAP smear has reduced the mortality rate from cervical cancer by 50%. Ultimately, we should continue to study sex and gender differences and how they may impact patient outcomes.
About Women’s Cancer Research Foundation The Women’s Cancer Research Foundation (WCRF) is one of Southern California’s and the nation’s most active research organizations for female cancers. We are dedicated to serving the interests of patients, families, and friends affected by women’s cancers. WCRF partners with physician-scientists nationally to make differences in women’s lives by offering hope, strength, and progress.
361 Hospital Road, Suite 422
Newport Beach, CA 92663
PH: (949) 642-5165